Lefty your lattes are being provided by AC. They will be providing a coffee van so all the club latte sippers will be provided for
. We have had a number of club members indicating they will be available to help with the cooking, bun buttering, serving customers etc. We will try and rotate these helpers so they can have a break, go for a bike test ride etc. The test rides will be in accordance with the normal AC conditions, sign up with a copy of your license and agree to pay excess on any damage or accident or infringement incurred during the test ride. Members will have the opurtunity to be club ambassadors and encourage new members to join the BMWMCCWA from the people who AC have sold a BMW bike to and have also invited , to come along and be part of the event.
We can inform these potential members in a positive way, what we do as a club and how we encourage members to get out there with their bikes and use them as they are supposed to be used and all the other benifits of being a member of Perths premier respected M/C club. This is a great opurtunity to benefit with a membership drive for the club and show our WA RFDS.that we seriously appreciate what they do for us with our fund raising for them.
For those that can't make the Xmas party, we may organise a Saturday overnighter ride staying overnight during the holiday period , to Lancelin with a get together for lunch (at the voted), "best beer garden in Australia" at the Lancelin Tavern .
Details will be announced once we get a feel for who might be interested.