Just to remind people so they aren't embarrassed when they are sitting having fun at the Xmas party when Santa comes out ho ho hoing etc and they have forgotten
to donate a Xmas pressie for Santa to hand out. Make sure you bring something down to the occasion. Something with a bit of humour, it doesn't have to be expensive. We are going to have a fun night so help to make it that. Hand in the loot to Swampy when he picks you up to take you to the wine tasting at Dukes. Don't bother wrapping the pressie so Santa can hand out to the best of his ability whatever he feels is the appropriate gift for the appropriate recipient. Don't complain if you get back what you provided it is solely Santa's prerogative and no discussion or whinging will be tolerated ( you mightn't get anything)
It is noted also from some of the threads posted recently, that some members haven't been following the content of this thread . It appears from some of the questions that they have raised regarding some of the logistics associated with the event they haven't been reading the event progression from what was originally an idea which has now progressed to the happening of the event function itself( don't some members
Just so everyone is on the sane page please take note of the following:
Cats 8am for a 9am departure
Meet at Albany Hwy Cranbrook turn-off. Those riding dirt thru Stirling range drive ( loose gravel, about 100 Kms.) head to Cranbrook , others keep going down Albany Hwy.
Make your way to your accomodation which you have previously let Swampy know your whereabouts
Be ready from 4.30 onwards for your pickup to the wine tasting at Dukes
Wine tasting 5pm- 6.45 pm then short walk to restaurant and be seated no later than 7 pm. Those that can't walk May get a lift from Swampy if he is in the mood and not too grumpy. Make sure to have your supply of alcohol if you intend drinking as Maleeyas is BYO
. They will probably charge corkage on this thou
Meal is a buffet and we have arranged 3 long tables , so find a seat and get some food. We intend to have various events happening thru the night including Santa making an appearance, pass the parcel, auctions, door prizes, quiz,and other things. Special thanks go to AutoClasic who are donating a number of substantial items to the event
It would have been a big day so we estimate people would be ready to crash at 10ish so Swampy will start then start taking people home. Swampy will have been drinking water all night so expect some grumpiness so just ignore this and be nice to him.
We will organise a group departure and maybe breakfast and departure point during the next morning
As quite a few are staying at the caravan park let's lock in a 10.30 meet at this location for the group ride home with breakfast on the way yet to be determined