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If you have an interest in your speed limits.

Posted: Mon 17 Jun, 2019 1:36 pm
by theape

Re: If you have an interest in your speed limits.

Posted: Mon 17 Jun, 2019 4:36 pm
by Swampy
Thanks Alex, Just completed my input!! 8)


Re: If you have an interest in your speed limits.

Posted: Mon 17 Jun, 2019 4:51 pm
by _Wilks
Went there. Registered. Commenced survey and stopped after a few pages.

Assuming every question is answered with a predictable community oriented response, I reckon the survey results (ie stats & trends) would go more to supporting the RSC's strategic plan rather than providing them with a real insight of what the community might actually think.

But maybe that opportunity came at the end of the survey :lol: .

I'm too cycnical.