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RFDS Capital Fund Donation
Posted: Tue 10 Jan, 2012 10:25 pm
by boomer61
I proposed at the monthly meeting the club consider making a $1000.00 donation to the RFDS Capital fund.
In the last couple of years a number of club members have been provided assistance by the RFDS.
A large number of club members ride in rural, regional and remote areas and may at some time need the servcies of the RFDS.
The Capital Fund provides funds for the purchase of new aircraft for the RFDS fleet.
The amount proposed was an amount the Flying 1000 asked of 1000 pepole during the last capital fund raising where 1000 donations of $1000 was raised to by individauls to then be provided as a $1,000,000 dontaion along side the corporate sponsorship donations. A way of giving aknowledgemt to the pepole and organisations that can make smaller donations.
It is propsed that the donation be a one off. May be we approach BMW Australia to match the donation?
Please feel free to make comments and come to the next meeting and contribute to the discussion.
One point raised at the monthly meeting is that the club should consider developing a stratery for the accumaulation and use of club funds.
It was disscussed that the club look at defineing the parametrs of fund allocations on activities for the members.
I would suggest that if pepole would like to make comment on the long term use of club funds another topic be started on that for discussion also.
Re: RFDS Capital Fund Donation
Posted: Wed 11 Jan, 2012 5:07 am
by bully1
I agree with donating the money, the RFDS has an extremely important place in Australian outback medical support. As Anthony has said, several of our club members have had the need to use their facilities, without the support from corporate and private donations they would not be able to do the job .
I participate in several events per year where the money raised is donated, and as far as I'm concerned, they will never be able to raise enough without donations.
Re: RFDS Capital Fund Donation
Posted: Wed 11 Jan, 2012 11:13 am
by Bozo
I am happy to donate a further $20 through the BMW Club in the hope that 50 more members will do the same and that our $2000 will be matched by Auto Classic.
Re: RFDS Capital Fund Donation
Posted: Wed 11 Jan, 2012 1:18 pm
by _Wilks
I'm FOR donations which are part of the clubs annual financial plan.
I'm AGAINST donations which are ad-hoc and thereby unplanned.
A club expenditure plan will put a $ value against all donations and to whom they will be made and when. By saying 'when' - there may be an opportune time of the year when such a donation could be made where RFDS gets the obvious benefit but also may promote the club.
IMHO ad-hoc proposals to donate to worthy charities/bodies rarely draws any negative response for 2 reasons... 1) they are worthy and 2) no-one wants to be seen as a grinch by being anti.
Please don't interpret this post... as I said, I am happy for the club to donate - so long as it is in the clubs annual financial plan to do so.
The Grinch
Re: RFDS Capital Fund Donation
Posted: Wed 11 Jan, 2012 2:56 pm
by wightman
Our reason for being is the furtherance of use and enjoyment of BMW motorcycles. We are a non-profit organisation, of like minded individuals with limited control within the framework of BMW Clubs Australia. I would propose that we maintain a minimum of a 5 digit float, so that we always have a rainy day fund to cover unforseen circumstances (remember the story of the psychic fair, which was cancelled due to unforseen circumstances?). I would like to see the Club continuing to financially support (maybe increasing our support for) our Icon events such as the Peaceful Bay weekend, the Annual Dinner, the Christmas Dinner and the Cookoff etc, leaving a little bit of money left over for charities
which are closely involved with the kind of activities we pursue and from which we derive some benefit.
As long as we have the support of the majority of members, we are OK. For amounts exceeding say $100, we should really call an extraordinary meeting (can be within a General meeting) at least 30 days in advance, such that no member can claim he was not timeously informed.
Re: RFDS Capital Fund Donation
Posted: Wed 11 Jan, 2012 6:28 pm
by GSDisciple
I agree with many of the comments being posted.
Great idea to support the RFDS for all of the reasons mentioned.
I also think it's a great idea to have a strategy around how we allocate our funds as a way of maximising the benefit of such. While I love the 'relaxed nature' of our club I think this is one area where a bit of structure is always useful.
Re: RFDS Capital Fund Donation
Posted: Wed 11 Jan, 2012 9:19 pm
by toni
I echo JP's comments - he sums it up well. As mentioned at the meeting, I believe we need to have a strategy for the club funds and overall direction wrt purpose, members etc. I am not in favor of ad hoc charity giving - I believe that we each make those decisions personally.
I am in favor of supporting RFDS for reasons already mentioned.
Re: RFDS Capital Fund Donation
Posted: Wed 11 Jan, 2012 9:51 pm
by jono
I echo John Wightmans comments. I believe a donation that relative to the clubs funds is so significant requires a vote at a meeting for which appropriate notice has been given to all members. I am not in favor of adhoc donations of such a large amount. I too believe we need a proper financial plan first.
The RFDS is a worthy and relevant charity for our club but we should put emotion and goodwill before proper process and clear direction
Re: RFDS Capital Fund Donation
Posted: Thu 12 Jan, 2012 9:37 pm
by Davey_sprockeT
Here's my two bob's worth:
We are a social club based on the fact that we all share a common interest : Motorbikes (and in particular BMW's) and to run the club we need to manage the finances as part of our incorporated situation. This would obviously be a "not for profit" organisation. Should a 'surplus be accumulated, then as John says through a extra ordinary meeting (possibly within/or part of an ordinary meeting), this could be put to a vote upon a motion/seconder from the floor. If agreed, a donation could be made as Anthony is requesting. ('bye the way, in light of what we do as a club, I believe the RFDS would be an excellent recipient).
If the club decided we want to support such an organisation (or other charity), then why don't we run an annual motorbike related event/function. We could have an annual motorcycle swap meet, over all types/ages of bike, charge an entrance fee and a sellers pitch fee (anybody arriving by bike gets half price admission), etc etc. I'm not aware of such an event (possibly the vintage boys may do one) but this would cover any motorcycle type/group, be a great promotion for our club (and Sponsors whom we could charge), and I'm sure would pull in some good $$ that we could then donate to a worthy cause.
The financial planning/strategy would obviously oversee the event.
It would be a challenge, but I think it's worth a look
Re: RFDS Capital Fund Donation
Posted: Thu 12 Jan, 2012 11:03 pm
by Rainer
Alright here is what would happen at my work. Submit financial business plan to the manager. He thinks great idea submit to senior manager, thinks the same, great idea submit to senior senior manager like CEO, thinks wonderful we should do it. Sends the whole lot to accounting. Accounting says not enough benefit for the organisation, please re-submit new business plan to show greater benefit to organisation, and so it goes around until someone says: WTF. Just go ahead and do it. (Someone) is usually a person with common sense does not care about the bullshit and just get's on with it. So sometimes it is best to just go ahead and do it and worry about the consequences later. Put it to a vote at the next meeting and let's go for it. KISS (Keep it simple stupid), and good night.
Re: RFDS Capital Fund Donation
Posted: Fri 13 Jan, 2012 3:41 pm
by brockadavis
This topic keeps popping up in various clubs I've been in. My feeling is you elect a committee to run the club so let the members plant the idea such as on this forum or put a proposal to the commitee and let the committee decide how much to donate and who to donate to. KISS.
When I paid $50 to be a member I gave it to the committee to handle. I have the choice to vote on who is on the committee.
The RFDS saved my life last June so I think if the committee decides to donate I think they are great choice!
Re: RFDS Capital Fund Donation
Posted: Tue 31 Jan, 2012 10:21 pm
by Tom Mahady
As a member of the committee, the positive side to the donation is it is not political or religious, it is something that has been used by our club on a few occasions and has saved probably lives. The only thing against is that it does take about a year to save up that amount of money. Maybe we could ask for donations as a fundraiser to help break down the $1,000.00? But we will have our vote at the next meeting.
Re: RFDS Capital Fund Donation
Posted: Thu 09 Feb, 2012 11:00 pm
by Ross
Some food for thought or discussion prompts:
What's the interest rate of the Club's bank account? 4% ? $13k x 4% = $520
How's about the Club donates $480 capital plus last year's interest.
What has been the account balance trend for the Club over the last 5 years ? Up / down or otherwise ?
Is the Club a 'non profit' organisation ?
Any big ticket items on the Club's horizon requiring a serious visit to the kitty ?
At last month's meeting, Intrepid, with all due respect, was generously selling/giving unwanted gear away for jam. I was thinking later that right there could have been an opportunity to raise a few bob for RFDS. Sooo, why don't we hold an auction at the end of next meeting of donated 'preloved' BMW or general motorcycle garb / paraphernalia / whatever with all $'s raised going to the RFDS ?
Re: RFDS Capital Fund Donation
Posted: Fri 17 Feb, 2012 8:12 am
What about when membership renewals fall due, as a part of that process there is an option for members to donate to an "RFDS Fund" or reserve to be accumulated along with other RFDS fundraising events. The idea of optional donations was discussed at the last meeting, this might be one way to implement it.
Re: RFDS Capital Fund Donation
Posted: Fri 17 Feb, 2012 6:03 pm
by GSDisciple
love the idea bowe