Stirling Sunday

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Stirling Sunday

Post by Bozo »

An energetic group at Diverso this morning on a glorious day for riding. Great to see DFS back from losing his passport and adventures in Nepal. The Pudding also put in appearance.
19 riders, Steve N, Navigator Nick, Shiner Wright, Rainer, Astro Rob, Wightman, Sophie, Survey Ross, Brian/5, Rod Rocket Peter, Lou, His Royal Griceness, Mick S, David P, David LS, Muti Media Mark, R90S Mark, Ralph and Bozo, ascended the scarp at Haddrill Road before looping back to the Stirling Tree.
The 200+ year old tree is in poor condition but is still alive after being first described in March 1827 by James Stirling.

A run past the verticordia on Polinelli Road before a short run on Blue Plains Road and Ridgehill Road to a heaving Bindoon Bakehaus. An emu was spotted on the way and a high wide load caused a change in route. Multiple police cars were spotted but none of the group were concerned/tested/apprehended/booked/fined (insert your preferred word).

A pleasant run home on Chittering Valley Road and a loop past Tom Toads house, the location of the Tiddler Rally.
Thanks to Ralph for doing an exceptional job as tail end Charlie and a happy group of very capable corner markers.

Posts: 111
Joined: Mon 27 Sep, 2021 5:41 am
Junk Test: No
Enter the middle number (7726): 7726

Re: Stirling Sunday

Post by bigmac906 »

Thanks Captain Bozo and Ralph for managing the fun day out on our machines.
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