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Checking out the Wet Weather Gear

Posted: Sun 05 Oct, 2014 2:01 pm
by Bozo
Brian5, Drew and Bozo ignored the warnings of gusty winds and showers to take a post Catalanos ride to Toodyay.

The BOM radar gave hope of a relatively dry ride but even before the trio hit Toodyay Road it bucketed down. Deviating onto Campersic Road and taking the Brigadoon link to O'Brien Road the rain got heavier with strong gusty wind breaking small branches of trees. There was very little traffic on O'Brien Road but the caravan travelling in the middle of the road gave the trio a surprise. The rain continued all the way to Toodyay.

A coffee at the Coco Cola Café to dry out, discussions on Nullarbor travel and then back via Clackline to the City.

Not the best weather for a ride but good to get out and feel alive.

Re: Checking out the Wet Weather Gear

Posted: Mon 06 Oct, 2014 1:20 pm
by bill9117
Not to be outdone I got drenched riding home after Cats. Draggin jeans hold heaps of water I discovered :roll:

Re: Checking out the Wet Weather Gear

Posted: Mon 06 Oct, 2014 7:30 pm
by RobBD
Unlike Nev, Paul and myself who ordered more coffees and stayed at Cat's until there was a real break in the weather at about 10am :lol:

Re: Checking out the Wet Weather Gear

Posted: Mon 06 Oct, 2014 8:03 pm
by KoosWA
You should have about 6 months to dry out now .....

Re: Checking out the Wet Weather Gear

Posted: Tue 07 Oct, 2014 12:52 pm
by Swampy
bill9117 wrote:Not to be outdone I got drenched riding home after Cats. Draggin jeans hold heaps of water I discovered :roll:
I guess they must have been "Draggin" you down a bit eh Bill ? :lol:

Swampy :twisted: