I'm heading toward Lake Gairdner in Outback SA to go and have a look at the annual Speed Week event conducted by Dry Lakes Racers Australia (DLRA).
An extract from their web site is here;
"The DLRA conducts its annual Speed Week at Lake Gairdner in South Australia. It's straight line speed on "the big white dyno", as fast as you can go on a salt lake in the remote Australian outback. There is no setting like it anywhere in the world, it is a truly unique event in a spectacular location. There is an amazing range of cars, motorcycles and trucks dating from the turn of the century to modern day".
I will call you regarding a mate that should be there competing
Re: Speed Week and Beyond
Posted: Thu 04 Mar, 2021 7:42 am
by pspencer
Digger enjoy and stay upright. Nice tyre photo, looking forward to seeing used tyre photos with a still rideable tread.
Re: Speed Week and Beyond
Posted: Mon 08 Mar, 2021 7:32 pm
by Digger
Hi Folks, I’m currently transiting to Lake Gairdner in SA to watch part of Speed Week. I’ll be off the Grid until Thursday when I should pop up around Kingoonya. In the meantime, here is a little Teaser to whet the appetite.
Re: Speed Week and Beyond
Posted: Wed 10 Mar, 2021 9:33 am
by spacey1
Nice work digger... Gotta say that your production values have improved out of sight.
Re: Speed Week and Beyond
Posted: Thu 11 Mar, 2021 6:29 pm
by Digger
spacey1 wrote:Nice work digger... Gotta say that your production values have improved out of sight.
Hi spacey1, don’t get sucked in...the Software does a lot of the work with these Teasers. My creative genius is still lacking somewhat.
Re: Speed Week and Beyond
Posted: Thu 11 Mar, 2021 9:43 pm
by Bozo
Pimba and Woomera are Len Beadell territory. He is buried in the Woomera Cemetery and there is a plaque at the Pimba Roadhouse when he opened up a renovation of the building.
Re: Speed Week and Beyond
Posted: Thu 11 Mar, 2021 11:10 pm
by Bozo
Len Beadell's grave at Woomera Cemetery from Monuments Australia
Re: Speed Week and Beyond
Posted: Fri 12 Mar, 2021 6:06 am
by Digger
Update - End of Day 5.
The journey to Speed Week at Lake Gairdner was pretty seamless. I arrived on the Tuesday around 2pm. The following day there was some unseasonal rain which halted the event. It was clear on Thursday no Trials would be done with water still present on the Lake. Getting out proved very difficult after so much rain. I stayed at Pimba last night (Thursday) and will continue to Woomera, Roxby Downs, Andamooka and then toward the Oodnadatta Track.
Watch this space.
Danger; danger!
The track leading to the Camp and Lake .
Rain started to fall...this Bloke never got his chance to leave the start line. Drivers have a 9 km straight to achieve or improve their personal best.
Re: Speed Week and Beyond
Posted: Fri 12 Mar, 2021 6:09 am
by Digger
Day 5 update cont...
The pit area at the other end of the lake.
Picture taken Thursday morning with water still present on the lake.
Getting out proved tricky. This was a 200 metre stretch of bull dust 2 days prior. It was now just slush. Some 4WD’s had bashed a bypass to get out thankfully.
Re: Speed Week and Beyond
Posted: Fri 12 Mar, 2021 6:12 am
by Digger
Day 5 update cont...
The Solivagant
(definition, : rambling alone : marked by solitary wandering)
Kingoonya SA. It used to be on the original Adelaide to Alice route but is now a forgotten outstation
This was the scene of a double fatality accident a few days earlier. A semi trailer passenger and motorist were incinerated. The road collapsed due to plastics used to construct the Culvert. Concrete is not used due to the salts in the water and soil.
Re: Speed Week and Beyond
Posted: Fri 12 Mar, 2021 8:04 am
by spacey1
Rain in the desert two years in a row!
Now you've missed your dose of 'speed' and reporting back to us 'slackers' how good it was... You'd better get over to Sellicks Beach Historic Motorcycle Races for this weekend (Sat 13-14 March) and report back from there for 'us'.
Update - End of Day 7.
I’ve travelled some roads and tracks recently I hadn’t been on before (hard to believe) and have enjoyed the last couple of days. Yesterday, (Friday) I experienced 40 degree celsius temperatures around Roxby Downs and Andamooka which made riding tough when you where several layers to protect against an accident. From here where I am (Leigh Creek) I’ll transit thru the Flinders Ranges and make my way to Broken Hill, the home of the Big Australian.
The grave of Len and Anne Beadell in Woomera. Len was one of the last great Australian explorers and opened up 6,000km of roads and tracks in Outback Australia. RIP Len (and Missus).
Andamooka, Opal country.
Sunset bush camp on Borefield Road, SA.
Re: Speed Week and Beyond
Posted: Sat 13 Mar, 2021 6:07 pm
by Digger
Day 7 update cont...
Turn right to Marree which was a town on the original Ghan Railway route.
Some old infrastructure on the Oodnadatta Track which ran alongside the original Ghan Railway. This was an old Railway Siding back in the day.
It’s not until you see signs like this then you are reminded of just how far off the beaten track you are.
Re: Speed Week and Beyond
Posted: Tue 16 Mar, 2021 4:47 pm
by Digger
Update - End of Day 10.
I’m currently staying in an old gold mining town (reminds me of a mini Kalgoorlie) named Gulgong in NSW. The last couple of days have provided a variety of road and track conditions thanks to different Apps that allow me to mix it up a little. I’m nearing the end of this part of the Adventure (more on that later) with tomorrow (Wednesday) being the last day on the road for a while.