7 Riders at Gloria Jeans and a record 16 at Mojos, so the chilly morning didn’t put too many off. My suggestion of Goomalling was accepted by all so we had 13 riders keen to participate which dictated corner marking. See if I can remember the 13, with B/5, David P, Dave, Ralph, MMM, SJ, Mick, Nick, Navigator Nick, newbie Nick, Lou, Bill and me. Viola 13! If I’m wrong no correspondence will be necessary
The route was Mundaring, Parkerville, O’Brien, Clenton, Berry, Toodyay Rd, Fernie, Salt Valley and Sandplain to get us into Toodyay for a toilet break. Cloudy skies with temperatures around 11 degrees - chilly.
To head directly to Goomalling was too bloody obvious so we headed towards Northam via Katrine then took the Northam to Pithara Rd turning right onto Southern Brook, almost running over a not so fast fox, all the way to the Meckering to Goomalling Rd, where we lifted the pace with a couple of youngsters lifting the pace even higher.
Glided into Goomalling just before midday to add to the farmers wives at the Lot 39 Café. Whilst the temperature had risen to a heady 13 degrees it was still chilly sitting outside but fortunately the clouds parted to bathe some of us in warming sunshine. Not warm enough to remove our multiple layers but that plus warm food, hot coffee and stimulating conversation resulted in a very pleasant lunch.
The return home was led by the very capable and reliable B/5 to Toodyay, Julimar, Chittering Valley, Bullsbrook, GNH and home with a warming 14 degrees.
Thanks to all for bloody good corner marking with no losses or delays and your superb company. Special thanks to Mick for TEC duties and B/5 for leading us on the straight and narrow to home.