Day 1
Leaving München around 8am, it was relatively cold, and the weather forecast looked a bit shabby. There were six bikes and riders at the outset. By coffee time, the weather outlook was looking even less fantastic and, like at home, some turned back, deciding against heading into the unknown...
Heading south from Munich, we passed by the Sylvensteinsee, a man-made reservoir originally built to prevent flooding. Incredibily lush and green as we head into the mountains. This is the view from the top of the dam wall looking down... obviously...
Sylvensteinsee ... nsteinsee/
The weather soon chilled down to 5 degC in the low mountain (hereforth referred to as 'low alps') passes and the first patches of snow became evident.
Winding our way over the Achenpass, we crossed from Germany to Austria. Time for a bite to eat at the old border crossing.

Patches of blue start to appear in the sky...
Incidentally, Thursday was a public holiday for 'Fathers' Day. That's getting their priorities in order. Most people take the Friday off as well to create a long weekend. Considering this fact, traffic was incredibily light. Maybe that's why Dieter avoids the major roads... at all costs.
The fun truly begins from here... We are forced to endure hour after hour of roads and traffic like this
Over the Gerlopass in Austria
Gerlospass ... alpineroad
Pay the Toll for the Felberntauerntunnel to transit directly from Salzburg Province to Tyrol.
Thw GrossGlockner pass is not far from here, but I did that the last time so we... passed...
Up into the Plöckenpass
And crossing over the Gailberg Saddle (981 metres) from Tyrol to Carinthia and onto Paluzza Italy.
Then finally crossing the Austria / Italy border for our 1st real espresso by the masters of coffee... Italians
Here near the Open-Air Museum of Mountain Warfare 1915-18, opposing sides of the valley faced off in an impossible war.
Then onto Monte Zoncolan (1749 metres), the target for our first day for breathe-taking views like this...
Monte Zoncolan
Ending the day with an overnight in Hotel Cella, Arta Terme

Himalayas Royal Enfield Tour 2017; Camp Cook-Off Winner 2017; Kennedy Ranges; Three Oceans Tour Australia; Hyden-Norseman Breakaways; R1200 series final drive repair; Mt Augustus; Bimbijy Station; Around Oz