New Year's Resolution

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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by boomer61 »

Done Digger, good to have that Monkey off my back.
I have run out of charters on the signature bock now!!!
Desert Raid 09, 11,15, 19 Tasmania 2010, CSR 2012, 2015
Argentina/Bolivia/Chile 2014
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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by KoosWA »

boomer61 wrote:Done Digger, good to have that Monkey off my back.
I have run out of charters on the signature bock now!!!

Desert Raid 09,'11,'15,'19 Tasmania'10, CSR'12,'15
Dakar Route '14

found 15+ charters for you....keep riding...
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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by Bozo »


Brilliant camera work and commentary. The Turkey Bustard looked much more appealing than the roo tail.

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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by Digger »

G'Day Slackers,

In this space!

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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by Digger »

G’day Slackers,

Time to suit up and hit the road again. I depart to cycle tour around Taiwan on Monday. I will probably be away for 4-6 weeks. I plan to tour the island in an anticlockwise direction.

SPOT Tracker (satellite tracker) link is here: ... UCtYLNPufa

SPOT Tracker activated from Wednesday morning.

Hopefully there will regular updates.

Packed and ready to go...Taiwan via Singapore.

Starting at Taipei and following the 1,000km cycle route. I have 3 major climbs throughout the journey which I know are gunna hurt.

See you on the other side!

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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by Goldie1 »

Having another big adventure Digger we were wondering where you where you was going. Have a safe journey
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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by Digger »

G’day Slackers,

Let the adventure begin...they reckon blondes have more fun so I wanna put their theory to the test. I got a new ‘do’ for this trip lol.

A frustrating day yesterday (Tuesday) but fatigue may have played a part. Left perth at 8.30pm and had a 4 hour stopover at Singapore before arriving in Taiwan around 10am Tuesday. I assembled the bike and trailer at the airport but was nabbed before leaving the Terminal by the fun Police. Bikes are not allowed within the airport boundary and so I had to get a shuttle bus to get clear of the airport. Then I struggled to find the Air B n B which I had booked previously. Finally (self) checked in which was not a straightforward process.

The plane was chokkas from Perth to Singapore but was pretty empty from Singapore to Taiwan...allowed everybody to stretch their legs. Aircraft was a Dreamliner...first time for me on one of those.

Bike and trailer assembly in a discreet corner of the airport.

Had to catch a shuttle bus to clear the airport.

My right hand gear shift assembly got damaged in transit...probably the way I packed it in the box. Got the assembly replaced while I waited for $40AUD. That should provide trouble free cycling for the rest of the journey. Lots of bike shops in town...Giant Bikes are manufactured in, you guessed it, Made in Taiwan.

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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by Digger »

Cruisey day today (Wednesday) just orientating myself and did some local exploring with a compulsory snooze in the afternoon to make sure I pace myself.
Depart tomorrow (Thursday) for the real adventure. Navigation out of this place will not be easy and will take some hours stoping to do lots of nav checks but I do not plan to do any big distances.

Part of their expressway into the city. I am about 30km west of Taipei, their Capital.

There is some infrastructure for cyclists...I just have to find it.

See above

Similar skyline to Singapore; lots of high density housing.

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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by Digger »

Ol ‘ mate Confucius. The descendants of Confucius have spread out throughout China, Taiwan and Korea so it's important for them to have a place to worship.

Extract from Wikipedia
“Confucius' principles have commonality with Chinese tradition and belief. He championed strong family loyalty, ancestor veneration, and respect of elders by their children and of husbands by their wives, recommending family as a basis for ideal government. He espoused the well-known principle "Do not do unto others what you do not want done to yourself", the Golden Rule.”

Good luck with the “respect of elders by their children and of husbands by their wives” bit nowadays...tell ‘im he’s dreamin’.

The view from the Taoyuan Weitian Temple (previous photo) looking West toward the new expressway and old highway. I have already started to encounter some of the hilly country Taiwan is known for.

SPOT Link is here; ... UCtYLNPufa

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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by Digger »

G’day Slackers,

Today (Thursday, day one of tour) was supposed to be all about finding a rhythm and settle into a routine. It didn’t quite work out as planned. I was going to ‘wing it’ and organise accomodation on the fly but that backfired and I ended up covering almost twice the distance I had anticipated. I’ll have to make some changes from tomorrow and may book accomodation the night before. That is not ideal as I lose some flexibility but I don’t want to sleep rough in a bus stop or on the beach. I’m not geared up for that.

You can’t stop progress...some major infrastructure work going on to ease congestion.

Be careful’s a jungle out there. In the main, the drivers are very considerate. You should always wear over the ankle boots when riding.

Sanxia Old Street. The longest and best preserved street in the Country. The buildings that line the street date back more then a century.
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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by Digger »

This is the sign I’ve been looking for and happened across it by chance. The Route circumnavigates the island and I will use it as a guide.

Shimen Reservoir. Biggest reservoir in northern Taiwan

I admit it...I suffer separation anxiety when I can’t see the bike. The Staff at the Hotel allowed me to park the bike in the room.

Stats for today (Thursday)
Distance covered - 81.9km
Ride time - 5.04 hours
Avg speed - 16.1 (lots of city traffic)
Max speed - 56.9kph.
Total so far - 128km.

Back to work Slackers.

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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by pspencer »

Thanks Digger for the update, look forward to seeing your progress as I am sure others do. Great photos. Keep pedalling and posting. One of the numerous slackers and proud of it!
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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by Robbo »

Good work Digger, I always look forward to your updates.
Ride safe.
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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by Digger »

Woo hoo...

30,000 ‘hits’ on this Thread. I’m humbled by your interest (whoever you are) in this Thread and thank you for your continued support.

Now, get back to work.

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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by Bozo »

Bozo across Australia, 35,000 views, is under threat. Time for me to get of the couch.
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