UPDATE. Walpole Memorial Ride

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UPDATE. Walpole Memorial Ride

Post by Swampy »

Hello All,
I guess most of you attending The Remembrance Ride to Walpole this coming weekend may be aware that our esteemed Ride Organizer and Ride Leader, The Marvelous and Amazing Macho Mark Macnish has suffered an injury to his back after bending over picking up old fag ends!!

He is in quite a state of pain and discomfort as I speak but will hopefully, after receiving treatment will recover by Saturday to lead the ride!!
I am sure we all will join in and wish him a speedy recovery, not only so that he can once again take up the reins and lead us southward ho but because he a also a really nice guy and also a great club member!!

But folks, Do not despair I am led to believe that if all else fails, then Nannup Nick has volunteered to to fill the gap and take up the reins for Mark and the ride will still take place as arranged with me taking up the Tail End Charlie position!!

Just to reiterate what Mark as arranged, Please ensure you are at the meeting place of the Servo at the Corner Of South Western Highway and Del Park Road by 0800 so that a Riding Brief can be given and we can be Side Stands up by 0830 hrs, as we have a long way to travel!!

I apologise to Mark if I am stealing his thunder, However I just needed to re assure everyone that the Walpole Memorial Ride is still a goer!!

Once again I wish Mark a speedy recovery as he has been looking forward to this run for quite some time and would hate to miss out on it!!

Regards To All
"I love a sunburnt country, a land of sweeping plains.
Of rugged mountain ranges, of droughts and flooding rains.
I love her far horizons, I love her jeweled sea.
Her beauty and her terror, the wide brown land for me."
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Re: UPDATE. Walpole Memorial Ride

Post by bigmac906 »

Thank you Swampy and to everyone for the your support and kindness. Fingers crossed I am able to be able to still lead the ride on 2 wheels. Just a little bit better today so 5 more days of rest and therapy should get me there. See you all on Saturday morning bright and early.
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Re: UPDATE. Walpole Memorial Ride

Post by Swampy »

The Marvelous, Macho Mark forgot his Pain Meds but bravely battled on like a good digger to lead a great ride down to Walpole!

I don't want to steal Marks thunder so apart from saying Thank You to Mark for a well organized and led ride which I thoroughly enjoyed I will let Mark fill in the blanks !!

My own special thanks to the small group present on my table for a lovely evening filled with laughter and merriment, some at my expense very ably administered straight to the heart by the lovely Andrea!! A very special, sharp and quick witted young lady! Goodness knows how she managed to end up with Kim???
Also to Braam who devoured us with his meat and fat eating diet and to Nici for being such a lovely and attentive table companion. In Fact to you all for making it an enjoyable night for me!!

I would love to do it again with the same company!!

"I love a sunburnt country, a land of sweeping plains.
Of rugged mountain ranges, of droughts and flooding rains.
I love her far horizons, I love her jeweled sea.
Her beauty and her terror, the wide brown land for me."
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