About to stick my neck out here - Bowel Cancer Screening

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About to stick my neck out here - Bowel Cancer Screening

Post by Kots »

Hello Everyone

I am going to stick my neck out here today. This post may be removed if it is not appropriate.

Last week I went to a mate' from schools funeral. Bowel Cancer. Unfortunately, I found out another mate was taken last year by Bowel Cancer.

I was deeply saddened by both losses.

I don't always show up at breakfast, or go on rides with everyone at the Club, but I do enjoy dropping in and catching up when I do.

In both instances the tests my mates could have done may have helped their predicaments. They missed their tests.

I was lucky enough to have had my test and it picked something up in time - no problem. We were a little less lucky with Lexy, but she too has been fixed with some additional complications.

I am urging everyone to be arware of this and ensure we take it seriously.

If this is not allowed on this forum, please remove it.

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Re: About to stick my neck out here - Bowel Cancer Screening

Post by Digger »

I, for one, don't think the Post is inappropriate and it should remain. I attended a Funeral yesterday although the Deceased died from Motor Neuron Disease and not anything that can be tested for or cured. Any death is a tragedy and affects a lot of people differently.

If there are tests out there and available free or for little outlay, i think it is a wise move to do a little preventative maintenance and have the test/check done.

I can tell you a story about rubber gloves but I might leave that for another time.

My condolences for your loss.

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Re: About to stick my neck out here - Bowel Cancer Screening

Post by davebeemer1 »

Condolonces for your loss, and thank you for your timely reminder to get checked for bowel cancer.
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Re: About to stick my neck out here - Bowel Cancer Screening

Post by Cookie »

Condolences for your loss, totally agree, a simple test every now and then may pickup an issue before it becomes a serious issue.
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Re: About to stick my neck out here - Bowel Cancer Screening

Post by gsrider »

Hi Kots,

Sorry to hear mate.

Don’t wish to turn into a medical review but I would recommend talking to your doctor particularly if there is history in the family of bowel cancer to arrange periodic tests.

Second thing is prostrate cancer, all of us males need to be aware and periodically get checked. It can occur without indications or symtoms.

The tests may be a bit uncomfortable, but worth it in the long run.

Hope this helps.

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