The electric future is safe and awesome

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The electric future is safe and awesome

Post by spacey1 »

Thanks to AutoClassic BMW Motorrad for hosting another of their very popular demo ride days on Saturday 29th June.

I chose to attend purely on advice that the BMW CE 04 electric bike/scooter was available for a ride. Very 8)

"What will an electric future ride like?" I asked myself.

The BMW CE 04 would give me a glimpse into that future. If you get the opportunity to give one a go, do...

It is quite literally sensational.

Two things > Torque and silence

Torque: Monster!

And it's only supposed to compete against circa 400cc'ish scooters. It makes speed at an enormous rate of knots. Not high speed. I didn't test that. That's not what this ride was about.

All modern motorcycles are fast. I want to know what it's like at the speeds where we spend the most time. Constant 60 kph, 80 kph, 100 kph.

It does sit very comfortably at freeway speed (100 kph). A little more aero and it would really be a comfy cocoon. Nice long wheelbase for stability. It is very agile. Maneuvering about the urban landscapes is effortless. That constant higher speed running was not a friend to the battery. Range (~120 km) makes it a city preposition or similar in its current technology level.
Commuting from outer suburbs to the city? Easy.
Like most 'current' electric vehicles, it performs best at lower stop / start urban speeds where aggressive battery regenerative charging (regen) comes into play. This regen is easy on your brakes as well. As mentioned it is pretty aggressive! You really have to rethink your braking technique. Caution is advised. That monster torque encourages cannon ball launches at traffic lights.

Silence: Bliss

The best part of the experience was the silence. Oh bliss. The aero looks agricultural at best, but it slips silently through the air. Literally no sound from the machine at all!
Music in your helmet? No problem. No need for ear plugs or noise cancelling. Total ear comfort.

All it needs really is a decent fairing for proper weather protection.

Sure it's expensive at $24k. Sure the range is limiting. Sure it has a face only its mother could love.
Yes, more weather protection is required. Yes, proper luggage too.
And cruise control. It simply makes speed to easily to omit this easy-to-add electric control.

However, as an example of what is to come when battery technology gets there and pricing becomes more palatable... bring it on.

The electric future is safe, and I'm in 8)
Himalayas Royal Enfield Tour 2017; Camp Cook-Off Winner 2017; Kennedy Ranges; Three Oceans Tour Australia; Hyden-Norseman Breakaways; R1200 series final drive repair; Mt Augustus; Bimbijy Station; Around Oz
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