New Year's Resolution

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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by Digger »

The East MacDonnell Ranges between Ross River Homestead and Alice...very similar vistas to the Flinders Ranges.

It’s a good idea to include planned stopovers on any journey whether it be cycling, touring or even just a holiday. It allows for consolidation, reorg, rest and repairs. Today we had a windscreen replaced, two water tanks repaired, a broken air bag suspension mounting bracket re-welded and a windscreen repaired. Thankfully, the townsfolk are helpful to stranded tourists and will bend over backwards to assist.

The airbag suspension setup on one of the vehicles...

The broken mounting bracket after being re-welded. A new replacement is being shipped to Halls Creek to be replaced in situ.

Back to work S.......

SPOT Link is here; ... UCtYLNPufa

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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by Digger »

spacey1 wrote:Lovin' yer work Digger :P

And apologies for using that dirty word to a post in you...
You got in quick...I was in between Posts...thanks for the feedback.

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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by Digger »

G’day Slackers,

An Update. Alice to Halls Creek. The Tanami Track is in good shape. We made better time then I expected. In recent time, the track has been realigned and upgraded so we could average 80 kph in most cases. We have arrived safely at Halls Creek but must wait here till a airbag suspension mount is flown in. It should arrive Monday. From here we head south on the most difficult part of this journey; the Canning Stock Route.

Mount Doreen in ruins.

Car won’t start...

The artwork lasted better then the truck did.
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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by Digger »

Tanami Desert

Welcome to Western Australia. No fancy schmancy border crossing here.

Wolfe Creek Meteorite Crater. The second largest in the world! 900 metres across. Must have been one hellova bang.

We’re gunna do some local sightseeing tomorrow (Sunday) and hopefully depart Monday once the part is fitted.

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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by Bozo »

See you Monday.
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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by boomer61 »

When you leave Monday make sure you arrive at Balgo well before they close for lunch otherwise you have to wait for the shop to open to get fuel after a long lunch break before heading off on the CSR
Some times the cue can get quite long
Happy travels on the CSR
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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by Digger »

G’day Slackers, :P

Spent the day local exploring around Halls Creek yesterday (Sunday). The town has an interesting history. If the airbag suspension mounting bracket arrives today (Monday) we will endeavour to depart early enough to start the Canning Stock Route crossing. Could be off the grid for 2 weeks until arriving at Wiluna. See you on the other side.

China Wall. A 6 metre high natural vein of sub vertical high quartz stretching for several kilometres.

Caroline Pool. A permanent water hole used for picnicking and swimming by locals and tourists.

RFDS Memorial. A stockman, Jimmy Darcy, had to die before the RFDS was created to help treat patients in the Outback. He was injured after a fall from a horse and the local Postmaster had to perform life saving surgery via Morse Code to save his life. By the time a doctor had arrived from Perth (2 weeks later) Jimmy had succumb to his injuries and died.

Old Halls Creek cemetery...Jimmy Darcy lies here. The town was relocated to its current location in the 1950’s after the gold had run out.
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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by Digger »

Old Halls Creek. It was the site of the first gold discovery in Western Australia and where the gold rushes began.

Palm Springs...a permanent water hole fed by an underground stream.

A hermit had lived off the grid near Palm Springs for many years until recently. This windmill, being consumed by surrounding vegetation, is only one of the many clues to his existence. The Spring was his only source of fresh water.
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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by Digger »

Sign to Sawpit Gorge...another popular swimming hole after rainfall. A lot of the signs to the local tourist spots have been painted by local artists on old car bonnets. What else would you expect in the Outback.

Sawpit Gorge...a local picnicking spot for locals.

Next update from Wiluna (maybe) in a couple of weeks.

SPOT Link is here; ... UCtYLNPufa

Back to work Slackers.

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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by pspencer »

Digger thanks for the great photos and dialogue, we all wish we were there. Looking forward to the next episode on the CSR.
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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by Digger »

G’day Slackers...remember me?

We have arrived safely at Wiluna after two weeks on the Stock Route although not all went according to plan.

Water was never in short supply along the Stock Route. This Well, like a few more, had been restored over recent years and provided a good source of good, clean, potable water to allow us to resupply every day or second day.

Some aboriginal art or carvings could be found along the Route in many of the rocky areas which dotted the Route from time to time. Some of it is difficult to find.

Not every vehicle that attempts the crossing is successful and the Route is peppered with wrecks like this one. More on that later.
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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by Digger »

Tonight’s menu....roo tail. Bought locally at Billiluna Community at the northern approach of the Stock Route. Cost me about $12. Feeds four.

Step one - Throw on the open fire to burn off the fur. Step two - Scrap off the remaining fur and skin.

Another restored Well. This time, Well 41. We went from north to south starting at Well 51.
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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by Digger »

During construction of the Wells there was constant conflict between the local aboriginals and the white fellas. It ended badly for some.

Same location but the day before (in 1907). You join the dots and come up with your own conclusions.

Me...providing some fireside entertainment. Blowing up a condom pulled over my head until it bursts. As you do...
Last edited by Digger on Mon 08 Jul, 2019 7:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by Digger »

The constant heavy pitching from left to right as we negotiated steep dunes took its toll on my roof rack pulling the rivets from the track securing the tracks to the roof of my Hilux. My stuff had to be spread out over the rest of the vehicles while the holes in the roof were covered with gaffa tape.

A tribute to ol’ mate Canning and a replica of the water tanks strapped to the sides of the camels during the initial recoonasaince and construction of the Wells.

On the banks of Lake Dissapointment. So named because it was believed to hold fresh water but was a dry salt bed.
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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by Digger »

We stayed two nights at Durba Springs near Well 17. A true oasis in the desert. We did some local exploring the following day and just took time to relax a little.

The following day, it all went pear shaped. The 2014 Isuzu DMax sheared it’s left hand rear axle and broke the axle housing clean off. I wasn’t expecting that. Cause; unknown. The housing had an obvious crack which allowed all the oil to drain from the diff. The axle was red hot where it had snapped in two. All the cable ties and gaffa tape in the world was not gunna fix this.

We carved a sled from a tree to allow us to drive (front wheel drive) and tow the Izuzu a further two kilometres to restored Well 15 while we came up with a plan of action. Thankfully, with the assistance of a Satelite phone we were able to contact RAC, the Insurers and a local (Wiluna) mechanic. After 48 hours of negotiations, the Insurers said to abandon the vehicle and it would be recovered at a later date (highly improbable). The owners decided what should stay and what should go and we divided up their possessions over three vehicles and left the following morning.
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