A small group of us are going for a ride... with an open invite for any like-minded adventure riders to meet up there.
As per previous Desert Raid gatherings, you need to be self sufficient as nothing is provided. Do your own research on track conditions and make your own decision if you have the skills/preparation to undertake the ride.
At this stage, we're going to camp at Jupiter Well on the Gary Junction Road. Those up for a riding challenge can get there utilising the CSR from the north or south or the Sandy Blight Junction Track. Easier access is achieved from the East or West transiting along the Gary Junction Road departing from Alice or Marble Bar/Nullagine.
The nearest fuel is available at Kiwirrkurra (24/7 using debit card) or Kunawarritji (Well 33 on CSR).
The Border Run is on Sat 5 Aug 2023.