Update - Mawson Trail - End of Day 6.
I continue heading southwards and I stick to the Trail when it suits me. Sometimes I go off track and will stick to arterial roads when it is impractical to stay on the Trail. I have made good time over the last couple of days by putting in bigger than expected distances. I am effectively two days ahead of schedule. It’s time to pin it back a bit. Tomorrow I may have to make some changes to the Trail due to some local hazards and conditions.
Distance covered to date; 380.3km.
See captions below.

The stretch from Wilpena to Hawker via Rawsley Station had some steep bits…so steep that it indicated that most Riders will be walking up. I would’ve had no chance so I decided to bypass that section.

The said ‘steep section’.

I continued on down the Highway.

Sometimes you gotta act like you own the place. As long as I don’t interfere with others, I’ll charge it anywhere I can. This region does not have a lot of tourist traffic at the moment…getting hot.

I was warned about the locals nicking my food if I left it out. I always make sure everything is stowed away after dark; in particular my footwear. Dingoes and the like enjoy eating leather…it’s like beef jerky to them.

I bought a series of 9 maps outlining the trail…expensive but helpful when doing initial planning for the trip.

There is a $20 App which has been my ‘go to’ for all and any info needed for the Trail. Very extensive and a useful tool. The maps are a backup in case the technology fails (flat battery or similar). Call me old school if you like.
See you on the other side!